Thursday, May 29, 2008

1 Month Old

At one month this is what we know about each other:

insists on sleep with one hand up on his head
hulks the swaddle
eats ALL THE TIME and is now weighing in at 10 lbs (mind you he was just 7 lbs coming home from the hospital!)
opens just one eye - we call it the popeye
they all say you look like a Crowell

cannot stop marveling at your presence
fights for every chance to snuggle up with her 'tree frog'
loves to listen to daddy chat up a storm with you about how grand you will be in your life
enjoys kissing your plump cheeks & squeezing those little toes

1 comment:

kari said...

he is so darling! so glad you all are doing well, and lovely to discover your blog(s). Baby bliss is such a wonderful space to be in-soak it in!!!!Hugs to your precious family.