Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah....

Excuse me, have you met my little man?

Adorable, right?

His hair is growing in dirty blonde, his 2nd tooth is about to pop, and he likes to chat your ear off. He LOVES the down-ward-dog yoga pose. I swear one of these days he is just going to stand up & start walking. He continues to improve his crawl, although still not entirely on the move. He does have the occasional slip & bump on his little noggin...and that's where I swoop in, happily!!!

Joel took him on his first carousel ride at the San Francisco zoo this past weekend (while I was on a girls weekend). I hear he was THE most animated Joel had ever seen him, almost like a wound up little toy. Babbling, kicking, flapping his arms. I'd say we might have to venture out for another ride soon!

9 months and growing strong & fast.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Word

All of a sudden he speaks! And it's adorable with his toothless grin & his tongue rolling around trying to make sounds. I think we can officially call his first word Daddy - 'Dada'.

But wait...his first tooth too.

Yikes! It's all happening too fast.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's 2009

I took the kids up to Tahoe just after Christmas for a week, with Joel joining us at the end. It was a BEAUTIFUL and decadent week filled with bonfires, sledding, fireworks, little buddies to play with, gondola rides....so much kid fun up at Northstar with Team Zeches!!! And Charlie started sleeping through the nite up there. GLORY DAYS!!!!

Charlie & Paul

All the kids out sledding: Lucy, Vivi, Lola, Maggie, Charlie & Paul

Joel & I goofing around on the slopes...