Monday, May 18, 2009

A Giggle or 2

In the last few weeks mista Charlie bear has started to display a bit more of his personality. We caught this video while taking a day trip down the coast. He just started laughing, out of nowhere. He has this infectious and contagious deep laugh...

He has started the 'hulk.' When he disagrees with something he freezes up & shakes all his muscles & turns bright red. It's really really funny. He does it when we drive into the garage (HATES the garage for some odd reason), and he also does it when you go outside without him. An outdoors lil dude in the making...

Charlie running around Golden Gate Park on a freezing Memorial Day weekend BBQ (photo by Stephan)...

Hit. Bite. Pinch. REPEAT.

So a few new habits are emerging & a bit of personality is starting to shine through.

He has FOUR teeth popping in on top, so he has started to bite. And for some reason he tends to appear out of nowhere & go for the thighs! I tend to call in the troops, a.k.a. the pacifier.

Hitting - he likes to just bat at you & wait for the reaction. It's purely out of discovery, and sometimes is pretty funny - but wait, that's endorsing. Hard when they are just such little nuggets learning & most anything they do is still so darn cute!!!!

Oh, and the pinching. Yikes! And the banging, that is still his favorite thing. Just opening & closing doors & cabinets to make noise. I have SUCH A BOY on my hands. And a beautiful one at that....

Photos from this past weekend at Bay-to-Breakers.

Grandma Leu made him this ADORABLE jumper.