He has FOUR teeth popping in on top, so he has started to bite. And for some reason he tends to appear out of nowhere & go for the thighs! I tend to call in the troops, a.k.a. the pacifier.
Hitting - he likes to just bat at you & wait for the reaction. It's purely out of discovery, and sometimes is pretty funny - but wait, that's endorsing. Hard when they are just such little nuggets learning & most anything they do is still so darn cute!!!!
Oh, and the pinching. Yikes! And the banging, that is still his favorite thing. Just opening & closing doors & cabinets to make noise. I have SUCH A BOY on my hands. And a beautiful one at that....
Photos from this past weekend at Bay-to-Breakers.
Grandma Leu made him this ADORABLE jumper.
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