And then the actual garbage cans. He has to make eye contact with you every time he points one out, just to ensure he knows and can confirm you saw it too. If the lid is swung open then we HAVE to stop & close it. Luckily there are 3 garbage cans per household so we are REALLY good at counting to three these days. Ahhhhhh. I love it. I so incredibly love it.
Our favorite part, how he pronounces garbage - BARGAGE.

In the last few days he has really amped up his chatter and is now speaking in 3-4 word sentences. It sprouted out of what seemed like no where. There is nothing like waking up to his little voice yelling, 'Mooommmmmmmy! I hungry.'

His 2nd haircut at a little place by our house. It took all of about 4 minutes.

Last night Charlie came in to say goodnight to Maggie. He gave her a kiss and then said 'I love you Maggie.' Joel & I were both taken back, and I of course totally teared up. He hasn't said I love You before...and to say it first to his sister....AMAZING! I will forever remember that moment. They both love each other so much. I love it.