All day long. LOVES those doors. He will quickly crawl to one, stand up & just sit there opening, closing for a decent amount of time. And then. He quickly crawls to the next door & hits repeat. Sometimes he chats while he is working on it, but most the time he is really serious & concentrated on the task at hand. Ahhhhhhh, simplicity!
A moment with Dada.
I just came across this picture, taken back when he was 6 months old. It gave me good pause!
of WALKING!!! It's been just shy of a month since he started crawling & already he is pulling to standing on his own. He LOVES to look to the wall for assistance too, which is always good for some giggles. His mind is so there, but his body is still a bit chubby & awkward. It's just a matter of weeks before he stands up & walks.
He has also MASTERED eating solid food...and we haven't come across anything he won't gobble up. LOVES turkey, tofu, and veggie bootie. He is a little eating machine!!!
I was just in New York on a buying trip for 2 days, and it will always amaze me how much change can happen in such a short amount of time with these little guys.
his first pair of shoes!!!
one night charlie bear was just not wanting to go to bed. he was laying in his crib chatting away. so around 10pm we finally took out & surrendered. he took this little flower toy & just started rambling. it was priceless!